The Laboratory Has Launched!


Dear Internet,

I’m excited to announce that my Shapways shop, The Laboratory, has opened for business!

We specialise in 3D printed jewelry and accessories for men. However, this won’t preclude my designing things for women if it strikes my fancy. Currently, this means tie bars but I have about 25 designs floating around in the ether just waiting to be made! There’s going to be cufflinks, rings, pendants, and more tie bars!

I’m a medical student so the inspiration for my designs tend to come from what I know best: medicine, science, biology/nature, and technology. I’m a bit of a geek as well so I’ll be pulling some inspiration from geek culture.

Watch this space as I will be updating the blog regularily with my progress on new designs and whatnot. I plan to try and release a new design every week but this will be on the back-burner for a few weeks as I have end of year exams at the end of November.

We’re launching with the following five tie bars. If you like them, do me a favour and tell your friends! Subscribe to get the latest news! Leave a comment either on the blog or on the designs. I love to hear what the community has to say!

Thanks for coming along on this journey with me.


– Dr_B




Sine Wave:

Cosine Wave: